Our children against the cold
When the cold points the tip of its nose, we must prepare as well as possible to prevent it from touching that of our children.
Did you know ? The ideal temperature for an infant is 37 degrees . This temperature represents that of the mother's belly in which babies are kept during the 9 months of pregnancy .

37 degrees. It is therefore the ideal temperature for baby, which is why it is essential to succeed in maintaining this heat even in winter! Easy to say, but how do you actually do it?
Even if assembling layers of clothing remains a good alternative, it is not always enough, you have to be able to find the balance between warmth , comfort and style .
But fortunately, things are well done and today many clothes exist to maintain this tropical baby warmth, because yes, you may live in Mulhouse, but your baby is currently in the Pacific Islands!

Among the essentials to fight against the cold we find: the angel's nest , warm, comfortable and practical, it is a thick hooded duvet which is mainly used in a car seat or in a stroller . Once settled in, baby seems to be in heaven of comfort, hence the pretty name of “angel's nest”.

The head is one of the parts that absolutely must be protected on cold days to avoid getting sick. In fact, most body heat escapes through the head, hence the importance of protecting it well in winter. Especially since baby is more fragile, hats and hats galore!
Not to mention the super winter jumpsuit , specially designed for baby, comfort, optimal freedom of movement and above all, absolute cuteness.

Then, we especially do not miss baby's little feet that must also be protected as much as possible, we are not talking about tights , socks and slippers , which are obviously a must have.
The icing on the cake ? A total blouse , bloomer and matching slippers look that we love!

Head protection, okay. Body protection, okay. Foot protection, ok. And the hands? Above all, we don't forget them, when the thermometer drops, mittens are mandatory!
Impossible to miss, high risk of chapping and purple hands !

For the older ones, we bet everything on beanies , headbands , gloves and even super mittens , nothing better for a hot seasonal look!
To protect the neck we do not neglect the scarf , but little advice from mom, favor snoods for school days, scarves are now prohibited due to the different risks they entail.

Well, we know that being a parent is a real fighter's path, you have to be able to think of everything, especially when the thermometer adds pressure to us!
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